What is Magnesium?

Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in our nerve function, energy production, protein synthesis, and maintenance of strong bones. It regulates blood sugar levels, high blood pressure and supports the immune system. Can relieve muscle cramps/spasms, numbness/tingling, headaches, low energy, brain fog, constipation, PMS symptoms, workout recovery, pregnancy discomforts. Magnesium also regulates the electrical impulses that control our heart rhythm, promoting a healthy heart rate. MG helps control the chemical messengers (neurotransmitters) in the brain, resulting in a calming effect on the body. The best benefit of it all is the deeeeep restorative sleep you will quickly receive!

How do we become deficient in Magnesium?

Stress, sugar consumption, alcohol and caffeine use, as well as prescribed drugs all cause our bodies to use up magnesium faster. One of the main reasons for magnesium deficiency is that modern industrialized farming practices deplete our soil of this vital mineral.

Why a Spray?

This topical solution contains magnesium chloride to supplement mineral levels in the body through absorption through the skin. This is where transdermal absorption bypasses the digestive system allowing to take effect quicker into your cells, muscles and tissues. Compared to oral magnesium supplements where some of the MG may be lost during the digestion process.